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MMF Opens New Housing Units in Selkirk

Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Political leaders from several levels of government were on hand in Selkirk on Monday to cut a ribbon that symbolized the official opening of homes for four families. Two identical units on Dufferin Avenue are getting the finishing touches to what will be a 4 bedroom and a 3 bedroom affordable housing built by the Manitoba Metis Federation through a partnership with the Province of Manitoba.

Both MMF President David Chartrand and Manitoba’s Minister of Housing, Scott Fielding, spoke of not only the need that this housing will fill in Selkirk but also of the quality of craftsmanship that went into these particular housing units. Minister Fielding spoke of his friendship and partnership with both President Chartrand and MMF Minister of Housing, Will Goodon, while also commenting on the need for continuing the work that was done.

President Chartrand provided some details into the long history of the MMF and housing for Metis Nation citizens. He also conveyed the need to not only continue to build affordable housing units in areas of need but of the obligation to address other housing issues, including social housing, home ownership and homelessness.

Also bringing greetings were Selkirk Mayor Larry Johannson, MMF Vice President Alfred Anderson and Selkirk MMF Local Chair Sean Hourie. The Mayor spoke about the growth and potential for Selkirk and encouraged the MMF and other developers to consider the continuation of more housing construction in Selkirk. VP Anderson also congratulated President Chartrand on picking Selkirk as a location and energized the crowd to continue to always do their very best. And Local chair Sean Hourie expressed his gratitude to all but especially the MMF for following through on commitments to always move forward on behalf of Metis Citizens.

MMF Minister of Housing Will Goodon served as the emcee for the event, at which approximately 50 people were gathered. Goodon spoke about the previous affordable housing projects in Winnipeg and Brandon, as well as this year’s planned build in The Pas.

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